
Why Choose Us

In addition to preventive pet care, sick and injured care, dentistry, laparoscopic and general surgery, we also offer acupuncture and herbal therapy.


Our doctors take the time to really listen to you. We are not quickly in and out of appointments as in some practices with a focus on vaccination.


Our doctors dig deeper into history as well as subtle signs that other non-holistic doctors may not consider significant to determine the best way to treat your pet. Sometimes this includes conventional things such as surgery and pain medications as well as holistic treatments.


We help you be proactive about future care of your pet
by discussing with you things that may contribute to or worsen your pet’s condition and how to avoid these.


We follow up with you to see if what we are doing is working and if it is not, then we recommend a different protocol.


Preventative Care

Wellness Exams

Exams allow us to detect health conditions before they become advanced. We will review your pet’s medical history, assess behavior, make dietary recommendations, and evaluate any known health conditions. We will take temperature, examine eyes, ears, teeth, and skin, listen to heart and lungs, and evaluate joint health. We will recommend parasite prevention products to keep your pet safe from fleas, ticks, intestinal worms, and heartworms. Bringing your pets in for semiannual physical exams is the best way to keep them healthy 


We administer vaccines based on your dog’s or cat’s lifestyle. Core vaccines for dogs include rabies, distemper, and leptospirosis, although we may recommend additional vaccines like canine influenza, bordetella, and Lyme. For cats, core vaccines include rabies and feline distemper, although we may recommend additional vaccines like feline leukemia. 

Dental Care

Dental care is a vital element of your pet’s overall health. When oral hygiene is neglected, pets can develop dental disease which negatively affects other systems in the body and may lead to tooth loss. During your pet’s comprehensive semiannual exam, we will perform a dental health assessment and make recommendations for preventive care. Sometimes this will mean performing good home preventative care, and other times, it may mean scheduling an appointment for a dental cleaning. During a dental cleaning we provide a comprehensive oral exam which includes x-rays. 

TCVM – Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine

Veterinary Acupuncture

Acupuncture is a gentle, safe, non-invasive, and effective ancient Chinese method used to treat sick and injured pets. The process involves placing sterilized needles into specific parts of the bodycalled acupuncture points, acupuncture can be used to provide relief from arthritis and musculoskeletal injuries; neck and/or back pain; respiratory problems such as asthma; skin problems such as allergies; acute and chronic conditions that are currently being treated with conventional medicine or that have not responded to conventional medicine. 

Traditional Chinese Veterinary Herbal Therapy

Herbal therapy is a form of alternative treatment that has been used for thousands of years. It relies on the therapeutic properties of various herbs and plants to promote healing. Herbal therapy can be used as a support for acupuncture or sometimes in lieu of it. When treatment is successful, herbal therapy can eliminate pain, support the immune system, reduce inflammation, improve blood flow and even eliminate the need for medication. You should always get a veterinarian’s diagnosis before treating your pet with any sort of herbal therapy. 

Surgery and Procedures 

Soft Tissue Surgery

We are experienced and highly skilled in performing a number of soft tissue surgeries. As always, your pet’s safety and comfort remains our top priority, which is why we utilize advanced anesthetic and surgical techniques. Following surgery, your pet will be kept comfortable and monitored while the effects of anesthesia wear off. 

Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering help pets live long, healthy lives. Having pets sterilized while they are young reduces the likelihood of developing certain infections and cancers. Our experienced team provides your cat or dog with surgery in a safe, stress-free environment. Each procedure consists of a thorough pre-surgical physical exam, the administration of general anesthesia,   surgical monitoring, and lots of comfort and attention throughout the experience.

Laparoscopic Surgery / Procedures

In laparoscopic surgery, a scope is inserted through a small incision site and used to magnify the internal view of the abdomen onto a TV monitor. This procedure allows us to do a more thorough examination while creating a much smaller incision site, which translates to a quicker recovery time, significantly less pain, and less risk of post-operative wound infection and complication. This minimally-invasive, less traumatic form of surgery is used for spay procedures, for organ biopsies, and for other conditions that require medical intervention.  


An ultrasound is a diagnostic tool that uses sound waves to create an image of a body part. During an ultrasound, a probe is moved across the surface of the skin, allowing us to examine your pet’s internal organs and body systems so that we can make an accurate diagnosis. It helps us detect a tumor, including certain cancers; a pregnancy; foreign objects your pet may have ingested and whether or not an organ is enlarged. A noninvasive procedure, ultrasound typically does not distress pets and greatly assists us in surgical procedures, biopsies, and diagnosis of diseases.  

Health Certificates for Travel

Pet health certificates are required for pets traveling both domestically and internationally. Travel criteria varies by country, so you will need to determine exactly what requirements you will have to meet in order for your pet to travel with you. Please check requirements for both interstate and international travel at

If you are traveling by car, you should carry your pet’s vaccine history, most current rabies certificate, and a veterinarian issued pet health certificate. If you are planning to fly, research the airline you plan to use. Some airlines have their own requirements while others defer to policies issued by the destination state or country. 

COVID Policy

Ukrainian Village Veterinary Center Covid-19 Policies

The health and safety of our employees, our clients, and their families are very important to us.

Each exam room and the the reception area have air purifiers with H13 true HEPA filters.

We can provide curbside service. Someone can meet you at your vehicle, take your information, and take your pet inside for you. After the appointment, the doctor or technician will come out with your pet to tell you about the visit and to answer your questions.

If you have been diagnosed with Covid-19, have any symptoms of Covid-19, or if you have been near someone who has recently tested positive, please reschedule your appointment.

We appreciate your cooperation in keeping everyone safe and healthy!

Schedule an Appointment Today Call (312) 955 - 8882